Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Export


Oct 24, 2008  I understand the theory, but it is the practice that is killing me. With iTunes 7.71, I see under 'Advanced' there is a selection to Convert Selection to Apple Lossless'. But nothing to convert a Lossless file to AAC. I've tried to Export, but that does not seem to yield the desired result. I can't find the command to go to AAC from Lossless. Oct 09, 2019 So what’s the difference between the two? It mainly boils down to history. WAV was created from a partnership between Microsoft Windows and IBM, so WAV files played back natively only on Windows machines. AIFF, on the other hand, was Macintosh’s response to WAV files, allowing full studio-quality audio recording and playback on Apple computers.

iZotope RX has a well-deserved reputation for being the de facto standard in audio repair programs. Many audio engineers and forensic specialists rely on its many powerful tools, which can run either in the stand-alone RX program, or as plug-ins in AU, VST, RTAS, and AAX formats. Now in its fourth incarnation, iZotope RX 4 comes with several new features and modules I’ll be discussing here.

RX 4 comes in two versions: RX 4 and RX 4 Advanced. While RX 4 Advanced includes all the new features I’ll be reviewing here, RX 4 now includes the Dialog Denoiser (formerly only available in Advanced), as well as Connect, Monitor, Clip Gain, export regions, and updated file format support.

  1. Clip Gain, Export Regions, and File Formats. While most DAWs have it, RX 4 has a new Clip Gain editor. This is especially useful for temporally modifying the gain of a file when in the stand-alone app. You can also create regions within a larger file, then export them as a series of smaller individual files.
  2. Nov 14, 2011 Since you didn't choose the Apple lossless route initially, your current songs are down sampled. Therefore you cannot upsample these songs to Apple lossless quality. The only option is reconfigure your import setting in itunes preference, and choosing Apple Lossless instead, and import all these music all over again, from CDs.
  3. Oct 09, 2008 I understand the theory, but it is the practice that is killing me. With iTunes 7.71, I see under 'Advanced' there is a selection to Convert Selection to Apple Lossless'. But nothing to convert a Lossless file to AAC. I've tried to Export, but that does not seem to yield the desired result. I can't find the command to go to AAC from Lossless.

The Look and Feel

If you’ve used RX in the past, you’ll be right at home in RX 4. All the common tools are right where you’d expect them to be. But now, RX 4 has the same crisp appearance found in other iZotope programs, and is a darker slate grey.

The appearance of RX 4.

Connect and Monitor

iZotope are the first to admit that the Spectral Repair plug-in workflow was a little messy. So they’ve created ‘round-trip’ plug-ins called Connect and Monitor. With them, you can be working in your host application and send audio to RX, apply any RX editing (rather than just Spectral Repair), then send the audio right back to your host.

The Connect and Monitor control panels.

This new workflow is incredibly powerful because you don’t have to leave your DAW for RX editing. No need for different file versions or names; All the processed audio gets placed right back into your host. It works so well that the ReWire option has been removed (you won’t miss it), and the Connect control panel even prompts you through the workflow. The Monitor plug-in routes the RX audio into your DAW so that you can hear your repair work. (Pro Tools users use Monitor on Aux tracks, while VST and AU users will use it on Audio tracks.)

Clip Gain, Export Regions, and File Formats

While most DAWs have it, RX 4 has a new Clip Gain editor. This is especially useful for temporally modifying the gain of a file when in the stand-alone app. You can also create regions within a larger file, then export them as a series of smaller individual files. And speaking of saving, RX 4 supports more file formats including BWF (Broadcast WAV Format), AIFF (Audio Interchange File Format), Ogg (Ogg Vorbis), and FLAC (Free Lossless Audio Codec.)

New Modules

On the right side of the stand-alone UI, you’ll find a larger number of modules including Leveler, Loudness, EQ Match, and Ambience Match, but the Spectrum Analyzer module has been relocated to the View menu. (RX 4 Advanced comes with the Insight plug-in, which provides even more detailed audio visualization.)

Leveler Module (RX 4 Advanced only)

The Leveler module works a bit like a compressor, in that it tracks the amplitude of the file. But instead of processing the actual level, it creates a very detailed volume envelope (see Clip Gain above), which can be used to smooth the level, or further modify manually to craft the level over time.

The Leveler module (far right) and Clip Gain envelope.

Loudness Module (RX 4 Advanced only)

The Loudness module is similar to a mastering limiter. It has two basic controls: True peak (in dB) and Integrated loudness (in LUFS, or Loudness Units Full Scale), and can be used to increase or decrease the loudness of a file. When you select the Loudness module, it displays helpful information about the loudness of the currently loaded source file.

EQ Match Module (RX 4 Advanced only)

If you’ve ever recorded a two-shot interview and were forced to use two different microphones, you’ll love the EQ Match module. It learns the EQ curve of a source file, then applies that curve to a destination file. I tested EQ Match on two tracks, one with a Sanken COS-11D (my favorite lavalier mic) and the other with a Countryman B6. The results were fantastic. EQ match easily corrects for variables like mic placement and tired vocal cords, too.

The EQ Match control panel.

Ambience Match Module (RX 4 Advanced only)

Voice-over and ADR (Automated Dialog Recording) engineers have always been challenged to match the room or environment noise of an original recording to that of replacement dialog recorded in a virtually noiseless studio. The Ambience Match module makes this process a breeze and works especially well in a DAW with Connect and Monitor. First, you’ll ‘learn’ the room tone from an on-location source file. (You don’t need to select a separate noise print file because Ambience Match only looks at the noisy component of the source.) It then generates an ambience noise print file, which can then be applied to a file in RX, or can also be sent into your DAW via Connect. It’s extremely fast, and truly simplifies your ADR workflow.

The Ambience Match control panel (far right) and processed audio.


There are more improvements in RX 4 than I had space to write about including file information display, improvements to the time rulers, and more. There’s only one thing I wish iZotope would add: Encoding in AAC (Advanced Audio Coding) format. While it’s nice to have Ogg and lossless FLAC support, neither is as widely supported as AAC. Be that as it may, the new modules and workflow improvements in RX 4 make it a no-brainer upgrade. Granted, if you’re buying Advanced for the first time, it’s a healthy investment. But you simply cannot find a better audio repair program anywhere, and iZotope continually strives to offer innovation to even the most demanding of customers.

Price: RX 4: $349 / RX 4 Advanced: $1,199 (Upgrade pricing is available via your account at www.izotope.com.)

Pros: The best audio repair program money can buy, round-trip processing, innovative new repair modules, and broadened file format support.

Cons: No AAC support, and Advanced is a serious investment for new users.

Web: www.izotope.com / (UK users can go to Time&Space here)

Note: Matthew Loel T Hepworth has created a massive video course on RX4 and RX4 Advanced available at AskVideo.com here.

Import: Supported File Formats

IMPORT: Audio File FormatsIMPORT: Video File Formats **
AAX (Audible)

Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Export System

** Note about Importing Video File Formats

  • Importing any of the Video file formats listed above will import the Audio only, RX does not support video playback.
  • RX 6 Audio Editor requires having QuickTime installed to open QuickTime formats (like .MOV).

Tip: Option for opening Split Stereo files in one tab

Mono audio files with (.L and .R) or (.1 and .2) extensions can be opened as either mono files (2 mono tabs) or split stereo (1 stereo file tab). See Preferences > Misc for more information.

Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Export

Export: Supported File Formats

EXPORT: Audio File Formats

File Format Dependencies

Some file formats may have dependencies based on your operating system that may prevent you from importing them into the RX Audio Editor. For example, Windows native formats (like WMA and WMV) may not open on Mac and QuickTime formats (like AAC, MOV, and M4V) may require installing QuickTime on Windows and running RX 6 Audio Editor in 32 bit mode.

Knowledgebase Article about Supported Audio and Video Formats

For the most up-to-date information about supported audio and video formats, check out this knowledgebase article:
Supported Audio and Video Formats KB Article

Creating New Files

To create a new file in RX:
1. Open the File menu
2. Select “New…”
3. You will be prompted for the name, sample rate and channel count of the new file you are creating.

Tip: Create a new file from the contents of the clipboard

If you have existing audio data in your clipboard (for example, if you have copied a selection from an existing file in RX), you can create a new file based on that audio data.

  • Open the “File” menu, choose “New from Clipboard” or use the keyboard shortcut: Command+Shift+N (Mac) or Ctrl+Shift+N (Windows)
    The new file will match the sample rate and channel count of the audio data present on your clipboard.

Importing Files

There are four ways to import a file into the RX 6 Audio Editor:

  1. From the File menu, select Open… and select the files you want to open.
  2. Drag and drop a file from your operating system into the RX UI.
  3. Drag a file from Finder/Explorer to the RX icon in the Dock/Desktop.
  4. Double-click on the RX logo in the middle of the RX Audio Editor interface when no files are loaded in the application

Managing File Tabs

RX supports having up to 16 files open at once.

You can navigate between tabs by clicking on a tab or using the following keyboard shortcuts:

ActionMac Keyboard ShortcutWindows Keyboard Shortcut
Select File Tab to the right of the current selected tabControl+TabAlt+Tab
Select File Tab to the left of the current selected tabControl+Shift+TabAlt+Shift+Tab
  • If you right click on a file tab, you can access options for closing tabs.

  • If you have multiple files open, an arrow button will appear to the right of the last visible tab. You can access file tabs that are not currently visible by clicking on the arrow button and selecting a tab from the menu.

Saving Files

There are a number of ways to save a file in RX 6 Audio Editor. The Save Operations include:

NameDescriptionDefault Mac ShortcutDefault Windows Shortcut
SaveFor uncompressed file formats (.wav or .aiff): Overwrites the original file on diskCommand+SCtrl+S
For compressed file formats: Opens the Export File dialogCommand+SCtrl+S
Save As…For uncompressed file formats (.wav or .aiff): Save a copy of your file using the same file formatCommand+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
For compressed file formats: Opens the Export File dialogCommand+Shift+SCtrl+Shift+S
Save RX DocumentSaves file as .rxdoc file extension (more information below)
Save RX Document As…Saves copy of your .rxdoc file


The RX Audio Editor will automatically save backups of your editing session by default. When the RX application is launched, it will open your most recent editing session. The option to turn it off is located under the Preferences > Misc tab as “Resume last editing session when app starts.”

Saving RX Documents

You can save a file using the RX Document file format (.rxdoc) to archive your edits. An RX Document includes your original file, all the edits you’ve made to it, and your most recent selection and view state. RX Documents can only be opened in the RX Audio Editor. If you need to save your file so it can be opened somewhere else (like a DAW or media player), you need to export it in another format (like WAV or AIFF).

To save an RX Document, select File > Save RX Document… and select where you would like to store the file.

Keep in mind that the size of the RX Document file can be very large, especially if your list of edits include multiple processes on the whole file.

Export Options

When exporting, you will be able to define the output file name, directory, and bit depth. There are four ways you can export a file in RX 6 Audio Editor:

  1. Export File
  2. Export Selection
  3. Export Regions to Files
  4. Export Screenshot
  5. Export History as XML

Export File

  1. Select File… > Export
  2. Select the file format you want to Export to and adjust the associated settings as desired (available settings explained in the table below)
  3. Click “OK”
  4. In the system window, name your file and choose where you would like to save it to
  5. Click “Save” to export your file


  • Checking the Reopen file in RX checkbox will open your exported file in the RX 6 Audio Editor after the export completes successfully

Export Format Options

RX 6 offers the folowing file type options for export:

  1. WAV
  2. AIFF
  3. FLAC
  5. MP3 [STD & ADV]

The following tables outline the export options for the different file formats.

Uncompressed Export File Formats

Uncompressed FormatBit DepthDitherBWFPreserve non-audio data
WAV16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit (float), 32 bit (int)None, White Noise (TPDF), Noise shaping (MBIT+)Outputs a broadcast wave format fileExported file retains the metadata of the original file
AIFF16 bit, 24 bit, 32 bit (float), 32 bit (int)None, White Noise (TPDF), Noise shaping (MBIT+)n/aExported file retains the metadata of the original file

Compressed Export File Formats


FormatBit DepthDitherCompression Level
FLAC8 bit, 16 bit, 24 bitNone, White Noise (TPDF), Noise shaping (MBIT+)Adjusts the compression strength of the FLAC encoder. Stronger compression requires more CPU time during file encoding but results in a slightly smaller file. FLAC compression setting does not result in any quality change to the signal since FLAC is a lossless format.


FormatQualityModeBit Rate
OGGAdjusts the bitrate of the Vorbis compression algorithm. Higher bitrate values result in higher audio quality, but also increase the file sizen/an/a
MP3 [STD & ADV]n/aControls how (or if) bit rate varies over time. Constant bit rate (CBR), Average bit rate (ABR), Variable bit rate (VBR)Adjusts the bit rate of the MP3 compression algorithm. Higher bit rates result in higher quality audio but will increase the file size

Export Selection

This option will allow you to export only the audio that is contained within your current selection, as opposed to the entire audio file.

  1. Select File > Export Selection, and the Export File dialogue box appears.
  2. Follow the additional aforementioned steps.

Export Regions to Files

This option allows you to export multiple regions of any audio file that has regions as discrete audio files. To export regions:

  1. Select File > Export Regions to Files.
  2. Choose the exported file format in the Export window
  3. In the File Save dialogue box, navigate to where you want to save the files.
  4. If you want, enter a prefix for your series of files in the Optional prefix field.


    • If you choose not to add a prefix, the names of the files will be the names of the regions. If any regions have the same name, numbers will be appended sequentially.

  5. Click Save.

Export Screenshot

This option allows you to export your current Spectrogram/Waveform display as a PNG image file. This can be very helpful for archiving any restoration process or for forensic documentation.

When clicking on Export Screenshot from the File menu, your current Spectrogram/Waveform view will be used for adjusting your screenshot size and position.


The Spectrogram/Waveform transparency balance must be set before selecting File > Export Screenshot as this cannot be changed in this window.

To define the size of your screenshot, simply click and drag in order to enlarge or shrink the screenshot window. The dimensions of your resulting screenshot will update automatically, however these can also be entered manually by clicking once in either Width or Height.


The max resolution attainable for your screenshot will be limited by the individual computer’s screen resolution.

When you are finished changing the dimensions of your screenshot, click on the Save button to name and save your .PNG screenshot to your chosen directory.

Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Export Center


To save screenshots faster (at the expense of having a larger file on disk), disable Maximum image compression.

Export History as XML

Export the Undo history list of your current file tab to an xml document

File Info

The File Info window can be opened by clicking Window > File Info and has two sections; General Info and More Info. The More Info section lists information dependent on the file type. The following table describes the information in each section including a list of possible entries in the More Info section:

General Info section

Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Exports

NameThe current filename
DurationLength of the file
Sampling rateThe original sampling rate of the file
Bit depthThe original bit depth of the file
ChannelsMono or stereo
Size on diskSize of the file in bytes

More Info section

Created by
Originator reference
Date created
Time created
BWF version
Coding history
Track Title
Track Number

Closing files

There are two ways to close a file:

Izotope Rx Advanced Apple Lossless Export System

  1. Close: if you close a file that has uncommitted changes (represented by a dot or asterisk next to the file name in the tab display), RX will ask you if you want to save the file. RX does not ask about saving files when the application is closed because your changes are retained in its session data.
  2. Close All: if you have any uncommitted changes in open files, RX will prompt you to save for every unsaved file.

Izotope Rx Download

The default keyboard shortcuts for closing files are:

ActionMac Keyboard ShortcutWindows Keyboard Shortcut
Close the current file tabCommand+WCtrl+W
Closes all file tabsCommand+Shift+WCtrl+Shift+W